Friday, 12 May 2017

north korea OR america

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Baiju's blog

AMERICA, A BIG NATION BEYOND BORDERS          Image result for america photos free

                  Before discovered by Columbus  AMERICA was there . Amerigo Vespucci an Italian cartographer was blessed by this great nation's  name which lead the world from the front to a developed human community in all respect. UNITED STATES OR AMERICA as commonly known world wide is composed of 50 states and is a federal republic,got independence from GREAT BRITON in the year 1783. It is the fourth largest country in the world by land area.It lies between CANADA and MEXICO in north America.It is the largest immigrant population in the world and also in urbanization because of this unity in diversity can be observed in American cultural life which in turn result in unrest in the nation's normal life and policy.

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Paleo Indians were the native inhabitants of this land later European colonization began from 16th century.
Seven years war which is seven meter long if represented in length ended in American revolution finally to the declaration of the independence of nation in1783. It is the first successful independence struggle by a European colony against Europeans colonial empire in the world history which motivate other colonies to fought against Europeans colonial empire for their independence.

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     Now America stands first in Economical,military and urbanization in the world.The fame of nation like effervescence of coco cola which is so tasty and sweet.Many countries compete with this nation is not present even in the Map.Emergence of CHINA on this occasion is to be considered because of the divergence of America from its known policy regarding foreign affairs

Good and bad

Good:- A Democratic nation.
Bad:-Uneven distribution of wealth among the people.

Good:-Holly wood
Bad:- Themes of films

Good:- NASA
Bad:- Nothing

Good:-Military technology advancement and nuclear Power keep other nations away from a war against America and world.
Bad:-Hiroshima and Nagasaki

Good:- Stands for human rights
Bad:-Vietnam war(Agent Orange)

Good:-Space program, outer and inner universe explorations,Deep space net work.New Horizons, Juno,Hubble space Telescope
Bad:- Moon Landing conspiracy.

Good:-Dollar to conquer the world
Bad:-Weapon to conquer the world

Good:- Successful action against Terrorist in Middle east and else where in the world.
Bad;- Against one religion.

Good:-People of America.
Bad:-Ruler's of fate.


Sunday, 7 May 2017


                                     Question the answers?

 1. What is your opinion about Indian democracy?
 Amazing!, It is like a football with a hole, no more air pumped into it as it leaks or no more air hold in it as air escape through the hole. 

2. What about Pluto,the planet?
He is exiled from the P. B of solar system by human but cannot from the Universe.It is still orbiting around the sun regardless of human decision.


3.What about PhD program @ universities  in India?
It is only a wasting of paper and ink to obtain UGC scale by spending public money worthless.

4.What about Indian Cinema?
No cinema but filming of Drama. It is still orbiting around the old drama style and fed up with foolishness.

5.Why Indians are not took part in world cup football?
Because football is like a globe ,it rolling on the ground and we are not a fool to run behind it, we have some other important matters @home(Live broadcast of FIFA world cup in the mid nights)

6.What about solar scam? 
No comment,  Sun is too hot to touch.

7.What about Mangalyaan ?
"Does the road wind up hill all the way ?"
"Yes to the very end"

8.What about demonetization ? 
It is a process by which politician make the people inevitable struggle for existence.

9.What about Indian premier league?
 It is a race of dead horses in highly fertile land of football .

10.Who is poor?
Those who are not considered by the politician while making a policy for the nation. 

11.Where is the paradise?
It is in the  heart of people who lives for others.

12.Who is the leader?
Person who knowingly misled people and their nation to trouble and make wealth by virtue of it.  

Making power from jealousy between people  of same origin.

14.Who is the man on the earth?
The man who is not stand for EARTH!!!!!!!

15.What is marriage?
It is a official arrangement for ..................

16.What is globalization ?
Making of people to live in abyss of black hole of commodities.

17.Who is patriot ?
Those who legally and illegally kill their  people.

18.Why stars are twinkling ?
up above the world so high !!!!!!!.

19.Why poverty cannot eradicate from the globe ? 

It is a government sponsored program,then only poverty eradication projects can be formulated for their own purpose to retain their power. 

20.What about Evolution?

It is a great idea because nobody(God) behind evolution except NATURE and its power.

21.Why all astronomical bodies are in motion/spin?
 Just for a horror to make people confused!!!!!

22.Who discover INDIA?

Jawahar Lal Nehru .

23.What is space race?

 It is dumping of electrical,chemical,metallic and         e-Waste to outer space from earth's crest.

24.What is Art?

It is light or sound without life to please the people.

25.Why keralites  are seen all over the world?

By a process called osmosis in search of job and wealth!


    NO ITS THE PEOPLE !!!!!!!



 ITS THE SAILOR !!!!!!!!!!.

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